Thursday, April 17, 2008 

Lucrative Article Marketing - Uncover 5 Intriguing Methods to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

If you are seriously thinking of using articles marketing to drive traffic to your site, pull up your search engine ranking, establish your expertise in your chosen field, and generate more income, you need to uncover these 5 intriguing methods so you can jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Make sure that you only submit original content. Copying somebody else's work in article marketing is a big no-no. This will not only tarnish your credibility online, but you will also be penalized by major search engines.

2. Target human emotions when writing your article. Instead of focusing your efforts on logical reasoning, touch your readers' emotions by pushing their buttons. How? If you are selling diet pills, focus on how weight gain affects the confidence and social life of your readers.

3. Keep your paragraphs shorter. Ideally, you should explain one idea on every paragraph. As a writer, you must be able to explain that idea in 4-5 sentences. You can easily do that by finding the most appropriate words to get your message across and eliminating fillers and fancy words to make your paragraph direct to the point and brief.

4. Provide your readers with useful information. Make sure that the content of your articles contain information that are highly relevant to your readers. If they are facing problems, be sure to offer solution. When you do this, online users will appreciate your writing and you will build a huge following in no time.

5. Make every word count. When you are using fillers and other unnecessary words on your articles, you are wasting your readers' precious time. To make your readers feel that you value their time, strike out words that do not help you in getting your message across.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

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